
nmon for Linux Download Pre-Compiled Binaries

  • Note: To download the nmon source code go to "Compiling nmon + Source Code" on the left-hand menu.
  • Updated 30th Oct 2023

Instructions for getting a working binary copy of nmon for Linux:

  1. Select the right platform, Linux Distribution and version and then download the matching file.
  2. If the file ends with a .zip then use unzip to extract the files (unnzip filename). Same for .gz use gunzip filename and .tar use tar xvf filename
  3. Make sure after using FTP that the file(s) has execute permission for your user.
  4. Find the right enclosed binary file and start it. The file name should be fairly obvious like the Power SUSE SLES 15 file in "nmon_power_sles15"

If you need a specific platform Linux Distribution + version that is not here then please go to the left hand menu: Source Code and compiling it yourself. You need the GCC C language compiler and the ncurses-development library. The compile takes a few seconds.

Current Version 16p - small fix, 29 August 2023. Version 16r has mainframe fixes only, January 2025.

  • Small improvements on-screen Box and Disk I/O stats includes lmon16n 240 maximum number of CPU cores. Plus code changes to clean compile for the latest GCC 12.
  • Version 16q has tiny changes for the latest Mainframe code. Around serial number and MTM. For other hardware 16p = 16q.

Older Version 16k and 16m with small fixes

  • nmon16k = 25 Sept 2019 and nmon16m = 24 Feb 2020
  • Small bug fixes plus better stats for Dedicate Donating LPARs on POWER servers, specifically used by SAP HANA.
  • lmon16j - 7th April 2019 - NO LONGER SUPPORTED
  • Small bug fixed
    1. If you don't need memory shared stats and don't use Disk Groups extended stats (like service times) then you could skip this update.
    2. Just use this for new installs.
  • lmon16h - 2nd January 2019 - NO LONGER SUPPORTED
    1. Small bug fixed
    2. 31st Jan freshly compiled to 36 variations of Linux versions and hardware: POWER and x86_64
  • lmon16g - 20th April 2017 - NO LONGER SUPPORTED
    1. Small changes only.
    2. Now cope with 192 physical CPU cores with SMT=8 (for POWER8 servers)
    3. Fixed bug reported with NFS automount in data capture mode
      1. Alternatively, completely switch off JFS stats in capture mode with "-J"
    4. Online view: remove File systems that are "not real" to reduce screen space. Hit "j" and then "J" to remove the pointless file systems
    5. Online view: Small clean up of the titles for the Memory stats (m)
  • lmon16f and anything before this release - NO LONGER SUPPORTED

Notes on exact version match:

  • If you can't find the exactly Linux version you want then try the near it in technology like Kernel release or code stream.
  • The only reason it's complied for different versions of Linux is slight differences in the Libc library - this can cause nmon to refuse to start.
  • Also note the Open SUSE and SLES are closely related and so too is Fedora and Red Hat are related - so you might find one of these works too.
  • Now a quick test of the closest match. Start it online and have a quick look at the CPU, memory, disk and top processes. Any problems should be obvious but make sure you are running some workloads as a screen of zeros does not prove much. I use: yes >/dev/null - to generate some work.
  • Also worth checking is that data is saved to a file OK and run the data through your nmon file analyser to double-check the format is OK.
  • If there are problems you need to recompile nmon for you precise Linux version. As nmon is a single file this is not hard.

Download File Platform Filename_platform_LinuxDistribution and comments 0.6 MB, 20th Jan 2025 New Zipped binaries for
s390 = Mainframe = Z = LinuxONE
Thanks to LinuxONE Community Cloud

s930: nmon_s390x_RHEL9_16q, nmon_s390x_SLES15_16q and nmon_s390x_Ubuntu22_16q
LinuxONE Community Cloud simple online access: See their Website
Sign up, request a VM, wait for the OK, then create VM (5 minutes), ssh & sftp access.
Free access for suitable projects: 2 CPU VM, 4GB RAM and 50 GB disk.

nmon16p_32_binaries_feb_2024.tar.gz 5.1 MB, 25th Feb 2024 Now 32 binaries in a Gzipped Tar file.
POWER and AMD64/x86_64
From myself (thanks to the BVQ* team at but the bulk from friends at (previously called HelpSystems) nmon is used as the data collector for their "Performance Navigator" advanced capacity planning tool.

POWER: nmon_power_64le_rhel8 nmon_power_64le_rhel9 nmon_power_64le_sles12 nmon_power_64le_sles15
AMD64=x86_64:nmon_x86_32_ubuntu14 nmon_x86_64_centos5 nmon_x86_64_centos6 nmon_x86_64_centos7 nmon_x86_64_centos8nmon_x86_64_debian10 nmon_x86_64_debian11 nmon_x86_64_oel5 nmon_x86_64_oel6 nmon_x86_64_oel7 nmon_x86_64_oel8 nmon_x86_64_oel9 nmon_x86_64_opensuse12 nmon_x86_64_opensuse15 nmon_x86_64_rhel5 nmon_x86_64_rhel6 nmon_x86_64_rhel7 nmon_x86_64_rhel8 nmon_x86_64_rhel9 nmon_x86_64_rocky8 nmon_x86_64_rocky9 nmon_x86_64_sles12 nmon_x86_64_sles15 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu16 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu18 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu20 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu22 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu23

Older nmon version
nmon16m_helpsystems.tar.gz 7 MB, February 2020 POWER and AMD64/x86_64
With 46 combinations POWER and AMD/x86_64 pre-compiled binaries from Fortra (formerly helpsystems (formerly MPG)) - thanks guys for you continued support.
Small bug fixes plus better stats for Dedicate Donating LPARs on POWER servers, specifically used by SAP HANA.

POWER: nmon_power_64_centos6, nmon_power_64_rhel7, nmon_power_64le_linux ,nmon_power_64le_sles12, nmon_power_64_centos7, nmon_power_64_sles11, nmon_power_64le_rhel7, nmon_power_64le_ubuntu14, nmon_power_64_linux, nmon_power_64le_centos7, nmon_power_64le_rhel7_gpu, nmon_power_64le_ubuntu16, nmon_power_64_rhel6, nmon_power_64le_centos8, nmon_power_64le_rhel8, nmon_power_64le_ubuntu18
AMD64=x86_64: nmon_x86_64_centos5, nmon_x86_64_centos6, nmon_x86_64_centos7, nmon_x86_64_centos8, nmon_x86_64_debian08, nmon_x86_64_debian09, nmon_x86_64_debian10, nmon_x86_64_mint18, nmon_x86_64_mint19, nmon_x86_64_oel5, nmon_x86_64_oel6, nmon_x86_64_oel7, nmon_x86_64_oel8, nmon_x86_64_opensuse10, nmon_x86_64_opensuse11, nmon_x86_64_opensuse12, nmon_x86_64_opensuse15, nmon_x86_64_rhel5, nmon_x86_64_rhel6, nmon_x86_64_rhel7, nmon_x86_64_rhel8, nmon_x86_64_sles10, nmon_x86_64_sles11, nmon_x86_64_sles12, nmon_x86_64_sles15, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu14, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu16, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu18, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu19, nmon_x86_rhel8

Historic Old Versions - Please avoid these

  • Only use the below nmon versions if you are running a very old versions of Linux on very old hardware that is not supported by the above nmon versions.
  • For Raspberry Pi running ARM processor with Raspberry Pi OS or Ubuntu - please recompile the latest nmon version.
  • For IBM Mainframe servers (now called Z) running SuSE Enterprise Linux (SLES) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) - please recompile the latest version.
  • For POWER servers with NVIDIA GPUs - You will be running RHEL - please recompile the latest version but include the Makefile GPU options to add the extra code to nmon and have the NVIDIA libraries installed.
Download File Platform Filename_platform_LinuxDistribution and comments
nmon16j.tar.gz 1 MB POWER and X86_64
From Nigel Griffiths a Gzipped tar file collection of the individual binaries
POWER: nmon_power_rhel7 compiled on RHEL 7.5, nmon_power_ubuntu1804, nmon_power_sles15, nmon_power_sles12
X86_64: nmon_x86_rhel7 compiled on RHEL 7.5 (should be OK for all RHEL 7.x LE), nmon_AMD64_ubuntu1804
nmon16h_helpsystems_v2.tar.gz 6.7 MB POWER and X86_64
Now with 47 combinations (up from 36) of ARM, POWER and x86_64 pre-compiled binaries from Help Systems (formerly MPG)

ARM: nmon_arm_32_ubuntu16
POWER: nmon_power_64_centos7, nmon_power_64_kvm2, nmon_power_64_linux, nmon_power_64_rhel6, nmon_power_64_rhel7, nmon_power_64_sles11, nmon_power_64le_linux, nmon_power_64le_rhel7, nmon_power_64le_rhel7_gpu, nmon_power_64le_sles12, nmon_power_64le_sles15, nmon_power_64le_ubuntu14, nmon_power_64le_ubuntu16, nmon_power_64le_ubuntu18
AMD64=x86_64: nmon_x86_64_centos5, nmon_x86_64_centos6, nmon_x86_64_centos7, nmon_x86_64_debian6, nmon_x86_64_debian7, nmon_x86_64_debian8, nmon_x86_64_debian9, nmon_x86_64_mint18, nmon_x86_64_mint19, nmon_x86_64_oel5, nmon_x86_64_oel6, nmon_x86_64_oel7, nmon_x86_64_opensuse10, nmon_x86_64_opensuse11, nmon_x86_64_opensuse12, nmon_x86_64_opensuse15, nmon_x86_64_rhel5, nmon_x86_64_rhel6, nmon_x86_64_rhel7, nmon_x86_64_sles10, nmon_x86_64_sles11, nmon_x86_64_sles12, nmon_x86_64_sles15, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu12, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu14, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu16, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu17, nmon_x86_64_ubuntu18

nmon16h.tar.gz 0.9 MB POWER and X86_64
From Nigel Griffiths a Gzipped tar file collection of all the individual binaries
ARM: nmon16h_arm_ubuntu1604 Raspberry Pi,
POWER: nmon16h_power_rhel7 compiled on RHEL 7.5, nmon16h_power_ubuntu1804,
X86_64: nmon16h_x86_rhel7 compiled on RHREL 7.5, nmon16h_x86_ubuntu1804
nmon16g_power_64le_rhel7_gpu 0.5 MB POWER8 and 9 with NVIDIA GPUs installed from Jack Miller of Fortra (formerly helpsystems (formerly MPG Inc)) RHEL 7.5 for POWER Little Endian
It will need /usr/lib64/nvidia/ that comes with the GPUs
This download in a single binary. Put it in /usr/local/bin and run it.
Display GPUs online with 'a' or the -a to dd GPU stats to the file output.
nmon_mainframe_sles12_16g 0.5 MB IBM Z MAINFRAME compiled by Uwe Keck, IBMer For IBM Z Mainframe running SUSE SLES 12 or later
This avoids a bug/crash in large busy virtual machine running 16d = recommended
Ubuntu 17.04 onwards All platforms nmon is in the Ubuntu Repository. Just type: sudo apt install nmon to get nmon 16f
nmon16g_power.tar.gz 0.5 MB POWER only
From Nigel Griffiths a Gzipped tar file collection of all the individual binaries
For current POWER Linux 64 bit machines
POWER Little Endian
nmon16g_power_ubuntu1604 nmon 16g complied for Canonical Ubuntu 16.04
nmon16g_power_sles122 nmon 16g complied for SUSE SLES 12.2 and above
nmon16f_power_rhel73LE nmon 16g complied for Red Hat RHEL 7.3 LE or above
nmon16g_x86.tar.gz 0.7 MB x86_64 only
From Nigel Griffiths a Gzipped tar file collection of all the individual binaries
For current x86_64 / amd64 Linux 64 bit machines
nmon16g_x86_ubuntu1604 nmon 16g complied for Canonical Ubuntu 16.04
nmon16g_x86_sles12 nmon 16g complied for SUSE SLES 12.2 and above
nmon16g_x86_sles114 nmon 16g complied for SUSE SLES 11.4 and above
nmon16f_x86_rhel72 nmon 16g complied for Red Hat RHEL 7.2 or above
nmon16g_x86_fedora25 nmon 16g complied for Fedora 25 and above
nmon16f_power_mr_nmon.tar.gz 1.1 MB POWER only
From Nigel Griffiths a Gzipped tar file collection of all the individual binaries
For current POWER Linux 64 bit machines
POWER Little Endian
nmon16f_power_ubuntu1404 nmon 16f complied for Canonical Ubuntu 14.04 and above like 14.10, 15.04, 15.10
nmon16f_power_ubuntu1604 nmon 16f complied for Canonical Ubuntu 16.04
nmon16f_power_sles12 nmon 16f complied for SUSE SLES 12.0 and above
nmon16f_power_rhel71LE nmon 16f complied for Red Hat RHEL 7.1 LE or above like 7.2
POWER Big Endian
nmon16f_power_sles113 nmon 16f complied for SUSE SLES 11.3 and above like 11.4
nmon16f_power_rhel65 nmon 16f complied for Red Hat RHEL 6.5 or above like 6.6 to 6.9
nmon16f_power_rhel70BE nmon 16f complied for Red Hat RHEL 7.0 BE or above like 7.1 and 7.2
nmon16f_power_mpginc.tar.gz 8.9 MB Updated 15th Dec 2016
From Midrange Performance Group a Gzipped tar file collection of all the individual binaries
Thanks guys.
POWER = 14 binaries and Intel/AMD 46 binaries.
Wide variety of Linux Distro's with both 32 and 64 bit compiles.
However: POWER SUSLE12 not included.
nmon for Linux 16e from 7th April 2016
Download File Platform Filename_platform_LinuxDistribution and comments
nmon16e_mpginc.tar.gz 3.5MB Mixed POWER and x86
From our friends at helpsystems
Gzipped tar file of many versions compiled by Midrange Performance Group including older Linux, free Linux plus 64 bit and some 32 bit machines
nmon_power_32_rhel6 nmon_power_32_sles11 nmon_power_64le_fedora22 nmon_power_64le_rhel6 nmon_power_64le_rhel7 nmon_power_64le_ubuntu14 nmon_power_64le_ubuntu15 nmon_power_64le_ubuntu16 nmon_power_64_kvm2 nmon_power_64_rhel6 nmon_power_64_rhel7 nmon_power_64_sles11

nmon_x86_64_centos6 nmon_x86_64_centos7 nmon_x86_64_opensuse11 nmon_x86_64_opensuse12 nmon_x86_64_rhel6 nmon_x86_64_rhel7 nmon_x86_64_sles11 nmon_x86_64_sles12 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu15

nmon16e_mr_nmon.tar.gz 2.5MB Mixed POWER and x86
From Nigel Griffiths a tarball collection of all the individual binaries below
Gzipped tar file of current Linux 64 bit machines
nmon16e_power_sles113 nmon16e_power_sles12 nmon16e_power_ubuntu14 nmon16e_power_rhel70BE nmon16e_power_rhel71LE nmon16e_power_rhel65 nmon16e_power_powerkvm31
nmon16e_x86_ubuntu1510 nmon16e_x86_sles12 nmon16e_x86_sles113 nmon16e_x86_rhel72 nmon16e_x86_rhel71 nmon16e_x86_rhel65
nmon16e_power_powerkvm31 449KB POWER Little Endian nmon 16e complied for IBM PowerKVM 3.1 and above
nmon16e_power_ubuntu14 538KB POWER Little Endian nmon 16e complied for Canonical Ubuntu 14.04 and above like 14.10, 15.04, 15.10
nmon16e_power_sles113 409KB POWER Big Endian nmon 16e complied for SUSE SLES 11.3 and above like 11.4
nmon16e_power_sles12 437KB POWER Little Endian nmon 16e complied for SUSE SLES 12.0 and above
nmon16e_power_rhel65 449KB POWER Big Endian nmon 16e complied for Red Hat RHEL 6.5 or above like 6.6 to 6.9
nmon16e_power_rhel71LE 449KB POWER Little Endian nmon 16e complied for Red Hat RHEL 7.1 LE or above like 7.2
nmon16e_power_rhel70BE 450KB POWER Big Endian nmon 16e complied for Red Hat RHEL 7.0 BE or above like 7.1 and 7.2
nmon16e_x86_sles113 338KB x86 64 bit nmon 16e complied for SUSE SLES 11.3 and above like 11.4
nmon16e_x86_sles12 386KB x86 64 bit nmon 16e complied for SUSE SLES 12 and above like 12.1
nmon16e_x86_ubuntu140404 453KB x86 64 bit nmon 16e complied for ubuntu14.04.04 and above like 14.04.xx + 14.10xx and 16.04+
nmon16e_x86_ubuntu1510 471KB x86 64 bit nmon 16e complied for ubuntu15.10 and above like 15.10.xx and 16.04 +
nmon16e_x86_rhel65 340KB x86 64 bit nmon 16e complied for Red Hat 6.5 and above like 6.6
nmon16e_x86_rhel71 383KB x86 64 bit nmon 16e complied for Red Hat 7.1
nmon16e_x86_rhel72 393KB x86 64 bit nmon 16e complied for Red Hat 7.2 and above like 7.3
nmon16e_arm_ubuntu1510 375KB ARM Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 nmon 16e complied for Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 running Ubuntu 15.10 Mate also Ubuntu 16.04 Mate
nmon for Linux 16d
Download File Platform Filename, platform and Linux Distribution
nmon16d_powerkvm31 430KB POWER8 nmon 16d complied for PowerKVM 3.1 - this file is the binary just copy it to /usr/local/bin/nmon and enjoy
nmon16d_power_rhel72LE_gpu 450KB POWER8 nmon 16d complied for S822LC with NVIDIA GPU support enabled
- this file is the binary just copy it to /usr/local/bin/nmon and enjoy
nmon16d_x86.tar.gz 9MB x86 & x86_64
From our friends at helpsystems
67 different Linux flavours of nmon version 16d compiled for Intel and AMD both 32 bit and 64 bit including
nmon_power_32_linux nmon_power_32_rhel6 nmon_power_32_sles11 nmon_power_64_kvm2 nmon_power_64_linux nmon_power_64_rhel6 nmon_power_64_rhel7 nmon_power_64_sles11 nmon_power_64le_fedora22 nmon_power_64le_linux nmon_power_64le_rhel7 nmon_power_64le_ubuntu14 nmon_power_64le_ubuntu15 nmon_power_64le_ubuntu16 nmon_x86_64_centos6 nmon_x86_64_centos7 nmon_x86_64_debian6 nmon_x86_64_debian8 nmon_x86_64_fedora17 nmon_x86_64_fedora20 nmon_x86_64_fedora21 nmon_x86_64_linux nmon_x86_64_mint16 nmon_x86_64_mint17 nmon_x86_64_opensuse13 nmon_x86_64_rhel6 nmon_x86_64_rhel7 nmon_x86_64_sles13 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu13 nmon_x86_64_ubuntu15 nmon_x86_centos6 nmon_x86_debian5 nmon_x86_debian6 nmon_x86_debian7 nmon_x86_debian8 nmon_x86_fedora17 nmon_x86_fedora18 nmon_x86_fedora19 nmon_x86_fedora20 nmon_x86_fedora21 nmon_x86_fedora22 nmon_x86_knoppix5 nmon_x86_knoppix6 nmon_x86_knoppix7 nmon_x86_linux nmon_x86_macpuppy nmon_x86_mint16 nmon_x86_mint17 nmon_x86_mint7 nmon_x86_mint8 nmon_x86_opensuse12 nmon_x86_opensuse13 nmon_x86_peppermint4 nmon_x86_precisepuppy nmon_x86_puppy_GNU_2.0.0 nmon_x86_puppy_GNU_2.6.15 nmon_x86_puppy_GNU_2.6.24 nmon_x86_rhel6 nmon_x86_sles12 nmon_x86_sles13 nmon_x86_tahrpuppy nmon_x86_ubuntu10 nmon_x86_ubuntu13 nmon_x86_ubuntu15 nmon_x86_ubuntu8 nmon_x86_ubuntu9 nmon_x86_zorin6
8th February 2016
nmon16d_mainframe.tar.gz 300KB Mainframe nmon 16d compiled for mainframe Big Endian:RHEL 7.1 nmon16d_mainframe_rhel7, SLES 11.2 nmon_mainframe_sles112
25th January 2016
nmon16c_POWER.tar.gz 2MB POWER
From our friends at helpsystems
nmon 16c compiled for POWER including
Big Endian:RHEL 6, RHEL 7, SLES 11, PowerKVM 2
Little Endian: RHEL 7, SLES 12, Fedora 22, Ubuntu 14, 15 and 16 beta

25th January 2016
nmon16b_arm.tar.gz 291KB ARM V7 Raspberry Pi 2 Latest 16b for Raspberry Pi - include -D X86 for some OS version text on the welcome screen
File names are: Ubuntu 15.10 mate: nmon16b_arm_ubuntu1510 and Raspian: nmon16b_arm_raspian
11th January 2016
nmon16a.tar.gz 1.2 MB Mostly Power Latest 16a for Power
POWER: nmon_power_rhel65 nmon_power_rhel70 nmon_power_sles113 nmon_power_sles12 nmon_power_ubuntu140403 nmon_power_ubuntu1504
POWER with GPU support (S822LC with NVidia Graphics adapter(s)) nmon_power_ubuntu140403_gpu
AMD/Intel: nmon_x86_ubuntu1504
1st January 2016